Homemade Hoverfly Lagoons
With the latest Wild About Gardens focus on hoverflies, Danielle Page talks us through how to create one particular habitat to tempt more of these incredible insects into your garden.
With the latest Wild About Gardens focus on hoverflies, Danielle Page talks us through how to create one particular habitat to tempt more of these incredible insects into your garden.
Breeding bird surveys at Strawberry Hill have many challenges, as despite the huge amount of birdlife, you see hardly any of them. Our favourite exceptions to this are the male whitethroats which…
I got my first mobile phone in the late 1990s, around the first time I went to Strawberry Hill. As a young adult I was drawn there again and again, but at the time I didn’t know why.
According to The Wildlife Trusts Great Big Nature Survey, 93 per cent believe nature loss “is a serious threat to humanity.” Discover why Kaye Brennan, head of campaigning for The Wildlife Trusts…
A new technology which creates virtual boundaries via cattle collars is being trialled across Beds, Cambs and Northants: our grazing teams tell the story so far
This post to celebrate national moss day was written by Rachel Carter, British Bryological Society Regional Recorder for Northamptonshire. Rachel also volunteers for the Trust and is a member of…
Northants reserves officer Ian Hilbert swaps counties and joins Dave Metcalfe at the Great Fen - and gets to meet and work with Bertha . . . all hands to the pump
Agnes Becker, who is running a wildflower journalling workshop with the Trust in Bedfordshire, tells us what inspires her to journal and the benefits it may bring to us all
2nd prize winner in the 2022 Photography Competition, Peter Swan, shares his top tips for getting into macro photography.
Young People's Forum member Ethan talks about what the group of young volunteers have been doing in their first few months.