Improving water quality and wildlife habitats
As part of our work across the three counties, we help landowners to improve river habitats. Healthier watercourses provide flood control for people and help wildlife.
Restoring waterways can create a greater diversity of habitats for invertebrates and aquatic insects. It helps fish to move and spawn, which in turn provides more food for birds such as kingfishers. It can also reduce sediment levels and improve bankside plants. We use a variety of management techniques to improve rivers, including laying gravel, rebuilding and reprofiling banks, carrying out tree work, and installing cattle drinks.
The latest Water for Wildlife reports from Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire are available below.
Latest news and blog posts
Cambridgeshire otter survey results 2022
The results of the Cambridgeshire 2022 otter survey reveal healthy populations in the county's waterways
Cambridgeshire otter survey
50 surveyors, 300 sites, how many otters? Held every five years, an otter survey is currently underway across Cambridgeshire exploring…
The water vole
Kelly Hollings, Restoring Ratty Project Officer for Northumberland Wildlife Trust, explores the habits of these much-loved mammals.
Waterways Projects
Waterways surveys
We recently carried out several surveys to assess the populations of otters and water voles in Cambridgeshire waterways. A survey for signs of otters was conducted between December 2016 and February 2017. The survey covered all major watercourses in Cambridgeshire and many smaller ones as well to track the recovery of otters throughout Cambridgeshire, which has been a dramatic change over the years.

Water for Wildlife is sponsored by Anglian Water