Focus on Flora at Strawberry Hill
Chantelle Warriner (Reserves Officer) gives an update on the flora found at Strawberry Hill
Chantelle Warriner (Reserves Officer) gives an update on the flora found at Strawberry Hill
Matt Johnson, Conservation Manager (Northants) explains annual meadow monitoring
Fundraising and Supporter Assistant Fiona planted a wildflower meadow from scratch back in March, right at the beginning of lockdown. How's it going?
Fundraising & Supporter Assistant Fiona has been planting a patch of wildflower meadow in her garden. Even a small patch of flowering plants can make a big difference...
Our three counties are a special place for wildlife, and here's why.
Our team have been keeping the grassland open and full of light for wildflowers.
We've been gathering a wild rainbow for the first week of 30 Days Wild
Learning about the flowers you find...
Should we be amazed to see spring-like weather in winter? Not if we've been following the science, says Brian Eversham