If you are a landowner in the Nene Valley within our project area you may be eligible to apply for training and grant funding.
As part of the National Lottery Heritage funded Nenescape project we are working with farmers and landowners in the Nene Valley from Northampton to Peterborough to help restore and create meadow and wetland habitats as well as undertake vital infrastructural improvements to tackle diffuse pollution & aid water quality.
As seen on Countryfile and BBC Look East!
In February 2021, BBC Countryfile featured a piece on Farming for the Future and the Nene Valley. "Tom Heap explores Northamptonshire’s Nene Valley, discovering how a farmer fighting flooding has embraced wetland wildlife to make his land pay."
In August 2022 an interview with our Land Advisor and Richard Westcott, BBC Science and Tech Correspondent, at Oundle looking at our project's rotary ditcher work enhancing wetland habitats aired on BBC regional news.
Scroll down for more information about the project and how you can apply.
We’re also working with farmers and landowners in the Upper Nene catchment on an ELMS Test and Trial. Please click here for more information.
Farming for the Future - Wildflower meadows along the Nene (https://vimeo.com/372918569)
Farming for the Future - Wildflower meadows along the Nene
Farmer John Gent and representatives from the Wildlife Trust BCN share their experiences of transforming unproductive farm land into wildflower meadows. Wildflower Meadows along the Nene is produced by One to One Development Trust in partnership with Nenescape and the Wildlife Trust BCN.
Farming for the Future - Farming on the Nene Valley (https://vimeo.com/339089992)
Farming for the Future - Farming on the Nene Valley
An insight into the changing face of farming in the Nene Valley, with contributions from farmers and the Wildlife Trust BCN. Produced by One to One Development Trust, in partnership with the Wildlife Trust BCN and Nenescape.

Restoring nature
Training courses on environmental farm management will be offered to landowners via Moulton College. We will also gather information and memories about the farming history of the Nene Valley and help celebrate its important role in shaping the heritage of the valley.
The river and its surrounding habitats provide valuable homes to a range of wildlife such as dragonflies, birds and butterflies. Many meadows have been lost in the past, whilst remaining wetland habitats can be difficult to manage. This project will offer grant funding and specialist advice to create and restore habitats and tackle diffuse pollution.

Pyramidal Orchid at Barnack Hills and Holes NNR by Sarah Lambert
Types of project which could qualify
Arable reversion to meadow
Restoration of species poor pasture to meadow
Wetland restoration capital projects
Infrastructure projects to benefit water quality
Funding can include wildflower seed, fencing materials & restoring water features. In-kind match contribution is expected from landowners through undertaking the work and future management. We are looking for potential sites now, with grant funding available for work.
Contact us
For more information, please contact:
Gavin Bennett (Senior Conservation Officer) on 01604 774037 or gavin.bennett@wildlifebcn.org
Application form and grant claim form
Farming for the Future Grant Scheme Boundary

News, blogs and events
Farming for the Future - Autumn Update
An update on what's been happening during the autumn months, in the Farming for the Future project
Rotary ditcher update - Water and wildlife has started moving in
The features dug by the rotary ditcher in the Nene Valley last summer have been filling up with water and attracting wildlife. Helena…
Creating new wetland habitats in the Nene Valley
Farming for the Future project coordinator Helena Darragh has been preparing for the arrival of the only rotary ditcher in the UK for a…