Wildlife & Community
Our Peterborough Team works closely with the local community to inspire people about the natural world on their doorstep, providing opportunities to learn, experience and take action for wildlife. We provide opportunities for volunteers and work with community groups and schools to improve our environment for wildlife. We also organise and run events for all ages, such as guided wildlife walks or hands-on activities like wildlife gardening and insect days.
Contact us
For more information please contact Alison Chaves on Alison.Chaves@wildlifebcn.org or call 07933174052.

PJB Photography
Youth Rangers of the Fen
Youth Rangers is a group for secondary-aged young people (11-17 years) keen to make a positive difference to their local environment. We meet throughout the year at various Cambridgeshire nature reserves and would love to welcome you to our group. All equipment and training will be provided by DBS-checked staff and sessions are free to attend.
These sessions are designed for participants to attend independently, so once an adult has signed the young person in, they can be left in our care until collection.
To find out more, or to register your interest, please contact Laura Allen on laura.allen@wildlifebcn.org or telephone 01487 720410 (through a parent/guardian if under 18).