Monitoring Purple Hairstreak at Strawberry Hill
This summer, the butterfly recording team at Strawberry Hill in Bedfordshire monitored the population of Purple Hairstreak using a new method. This method was introduced by the UK Butterfly…
This summer, the butterfly recording team at Strawberry Hill in Bedfordshire monitored the population of Purple Hairstreak using a new method. This method was introduced by the UK Butterfly…
Katharine Flach and Andy Lear give an update on the Ancient Woodland Inventory
AWI Volunteer Lindsay Stronge tells us why she likes volunteering
Sian Williams, Senior Monitoring and Research Officer, provides a brief summary of the top ten breeding bird species recorded on our breeding bird transects over the last 10 years.
Andy Lear gives a detailed update on the mapping of Ancient Woodland
An update on the different types of bird surveys currently happening on nature reserves, and what they can tell us.
Katharine Flach updates on progress of the Ancient Woodland Inventory and encourages people to get involved with basic woodland surveys
Matt Hayes, PhD student and Wildlife Trust BCN Trustee, gives an update on how this innovative project has fared in the year following the banks being built.
Find out more about breeding bird surveys on Wildlife Trust nature reserves, what they can tell us, and how to get involved
Siân Williams, Senior Monitoring and Research Officer, reports on creating detailed digital maps of the habitats on our nature reserves, and how these maps are being used to tell us more not just…