Photography Competition - past winners reveal their inspiration
Hear from some previous calendar winners of our Photography Competition and get tips, tricks and inspiration for your own entries.
Bearded tit at Stanwick Lakes by Matt Hazleton.
Photo Competition 2023 - Overall winner
Hear from some previous calendar winners of our Photography Competition and get tips, tricks and inspiration for your own entries.
Our Head of Communications explores the impact images of people and nature can have
2nd prize winner in the 2022 Photography Competition, Peter Swan, shares his top tips for getting into macro photography.
Learn some quick tips for getting out and photographing nature near you from the staff at the Wildlife Trust BCN.
One of the past winners of our Photography Competition, Matt Hazleton, tells us how he got started
Photographer Colin Bradshaw, whose photographs have been chosen to feature in several Wildlife Trust BCN calendars, gives us the lowdown on how he got started.
Kevin tells us how he got into wildlife photography, and shares his experiences on Wildlife Trust reserves
Taking photographs from home can be fun, and can get some great results too. Sarah Lambert, a judge for our 2020 Photography Competition, offers some top tips.
The winner of our 2018 and 2019 photography competitions, Simon Wantling, gives us some top tips on wildlife photography