Blog: Ryan Clark


Field Cow Wheat

The State of Nature in the BCN Area

Ryan Clark updates on two exciting projects using vast amounts of data to reveal how wildlife is faring in our area -
a local State of Nature report and a database of all species recorded on…

Basil Thyme - Ryan Clark

Using Data to Save Nature

Ryan Clark tells us about two exciting projects that will use vast amounts of data to tell us more about how wildlife is faring in our area - a local State of Nature report and a database of all…

Bee pic

Getting Buzzy about Bees

Ryan Clark, Northamptonshire County Recorder for bees, wasps and ants, tells us why we should all take more notice of bees

The hoverfly Cheilosia illustrata

On the hunt for hoverflies

Ryan introduces us to hoverfly week where you can learn about how to identify and record these amazing insects

