Blog: Local Wildlife magazine


Wasp head illustrations for identifying wasps

Lord of the Stings - Wasp ID Guide

Wasps play a vital part in many ecosystems, including our own gardens. Find out how to identify some, and why not to hate them!

Halse Copse Meadow

Our 1,648 best kept secrets

We help to look after a staggering number of wildlife sites and one of these secret spaces is almost certainly near you

Lichens on gravestones in a labeled 'conservation area' in a churchyard

Charismatic churchyard lichens

Inspired by the article on churchyard wildlife in the spring 2018 issue of Local Wildlife? Find out more about the amazing lichens that can be found in churchyards – and how to protect them.

An apple orchard

Orchard project volunteers needed

Could you help Orchards East, an exciting new Heritage Lottery funded project across the Eastern region, to survey existing orchards?


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