Discover Spring

Signs of Spring


Discover Spring

From Bluebells to Birdsong

From the gradual arrival of migrant birds to the unrolling of bluebell carpets - spring is a great unfolding story when everything seems possible, writes Simon Barnes. In spring we have our beginnings. Life starts again: the early flowers daringly lift their heads above the earth and the birds burst into song. Spring is showtime, with the almost ridiculously sumptuous shag-pile carpets of bluebells and the deafening chorus at dawn.

Brampton Wood Bluebells

Brampton Wood Bluebells - Chris French

Discover Bluebells

Carpets of native English bluebells in ancient woodlands are a very special and very British wildlife spectacle. We are holding some special bluebell viewing events this year. 


Bluebell events
Beefly on blossom

Bee fly on blossom by Sue Barnard

The Science of Spring

Discover the science of spring as Communities and Wildlife officer, Becca, looks at seasonal wildlife with in our three counties. 

Find out more

Wild about gardens

Wild About Gardens 2024 front cover

The Wildlife Trusts are a key partner in Wild About Gardensalong with the RHS. 

This year we’re asking gardeners to make friends with molluscs. Find out more about the benefits of slugs and snails in gardens by downloading our Making Friends with Molluscs booklet 

Join our campaign

Spring Updates

Top Reserves This Spring

Betony at Upwood Meadows June  - c. Robert Enderby

Betony at Upwood Meadows June  - c. Robert Enderby

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