Northamptonshire's Craneflies
John Showers, Northants County Diptera recorder, gives an insight into Craneflies, and the recording scheme, and hopes to encourage more people to learn about these fascinating insects.
John Showers, Northants County Diptera recorder, gives an insight into Craneflies, and the recording scheme, and hopes to encourage more people to learn about these fascinating insects.
Due to covid 19, we have had to think of ways to best deliver our wildlife training workshops, within the current guidelines
Juliette Butler, Training Workshops Officer, talks about the launch of new online training sessions
Alexandra tells us about her new role as Volunteer Conservation Officer
Owen Mountford explains his background and role as a trainer for the wildlife training workshops programme
An evidence-based approach has long been one of our core values, underpinning all our work and featuring as a key point in our very first business plan back in 2000. But we don’t just apply…
Ryan Clark, WILDside Project Coordinator, gives us an update on this exciting project.
Enjoying and protecting these increasingly rare habitats
Winter isn't a quiet time for this project! Events, training workshops and more all on the horizon...