Blog: Matt Sutcliffe


A goroup of people standing in a field alongside a row of planted trees, smiling at the camera

Wilder Luton- the first 6 months of success!

It has been 6 months since the start of the National Heritage Lottery Funded project, Wilder Luton, which will run for the next three years. The first 6 months have been busy continuing the…

wheel barrow and children

Wilder Luton

In September ‘Wilder Luton’ was launched thanks to further funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF). Following the success of the Wilder Futures project, which completed activity in…

Bradgers Hill Paul Hammond

Bradgers Hill and Beyond!

Wilder Futures has entered its final year and we are pleased to say that it will be a busy one! As awareness of our work in Luton grows, more partners have reached out to work with us and we are…

