Blog: Bats


Daubenton's bat

On bat patrol at Pitsford

On a bat survey at Pitsford Water nature reserve after extreme heat, Volunteer Officer Isabella Clarke detects an eerie silence . . .

Orchid survey

Surveying during Covid - take 2!

An update on how how we've been safely conducting our surveys during the second survey season of the pandemic...

Daubentons Bat

An introduction to UK bats

June is a great time of year to look out for bats - and it makes a super 30 Days Wild activity! Our Volunteer Communities and Wildlife Officer Megan gives us the lowdown on these marvellous…

Photos taken by various

Planning ahead...

Usually at this time of year we’d be contacting all our Ecology Group volunteers with details of what surveys are running this year that you can get involved with. Sadly the current Covid-19…

Anabat and heterodyne bat detectors

The technical side of bat surveying

Unlike most other species bats require some technical kit to successfully determine which bats are using our nature reserves

Brown Long-eared bat

Long-eared bats rule the roost

Catching up with the Brown Long-eared bat colony at our Lings Nature Reserve in Northampton, as part of the annual roost count for the Reserve Bat Conservation Trusts National Bat Monitoring…

Nathusius' pipistrelle bat in the hand

Bats in the mist

Working with local bat groups to learn more about these fabulous nocturnal creatures on our nature reserves.


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