In the locked-down spring of 2020, and as a new member of the Great Fen team keen to learn more about wildlife, I came across a project inviting people to create and monitor hoverfly lagoons in their gardens. Unfortunately, I was never organised enough to do the reporting, but I really enjoyed the process of creating and observing the lagoons with my daughter. With this year’s Wild About Gardens focus on these fascinating and colourful pollinators, it seems a good time to share what I learnt from my experience. It has also prompted me to set up another immediately.
The project
The hoverfly lagoons project was set up by Dr. Ellie Rotheray from the University of Sussex. Dr Rotheray highlighted that whilst the plight of pollinators is well documented, research and publicity tend to focus on bees. Hoverflies are often overlooked, or mistaken for other insects, yet they are a vital part of our wild environment. There are over 280 hoverfly species in the UK and their life cycles vary. Lagoons are designed for those who have an aquatic larval life stage. These tend to be from the Eristalis, Myathropa and Helophilus families and some have fantastic common names like the Batman or Footballer hoverfly. A natural lagoon may be in a ‘rot hole’ in a tree, but our gardens, and even wild spaces, often lack these habitats, with trees rarely allowed to decay naturally in favour of tidiness or space.