Blog: Insects


A plastic bottle with the top cut off, filled with grass and water, sticks poking out.

Homemade Hoverfly Lagoons

With the latest Wild About Gardens focus on hoverflies, Danielle Page talks us through how to create one particular habitat to tempt more of these incredible insects into your garden.

Cranefly - JS

Northamptonshire's Craneflies

John Showers, Northants County Diptera recorder, gives an insight into Craneflies, and the recording scheme, and hopes to encourage more people to learn about these fascinating insects.

A sexton beetle

Incredible insects

Insects are everywhere, often overlooked, but playing vital roles in almost every ecosystem. The Wildlife Trusts' Tom Hibbert introduces us to some of the miniature miracle-workers that help…

Photos taken by various

Planning ahead...

Usually at this time of year we’d be contacting all our Ecology Group volunteers with details of what surveys are running this year that you can get involved with. Sadly the current Covid-19…

Wasp head illustrations for identifying wasps

Lord of the Stings - Wasp ID Guide

Wasps play a vital part in many ecosystems, including our own gardens. Find out how to identify some, and why not to hate them!

Omocestus viridulus, Common Green Grasshopper - Brian Eversham

Insects and hot summers

With Britain experiencing a sustained heatwave, our Chief Executive, Brian Eversham, looks at the effect warm summers have on Britain's insect populations.


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