The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire is a 50% shareholder in Muchwood Green Burials. Situated on the outskirts of Ramsey, Muchwood is a beautiful, peaceful developing woodland with a wealth of wildlife that we are helping to monitor; the ideal resting place for those who wish their death to contribute positively to nature. Funerals can be simple or personalised, traditional or alternative, and all faiths and cultures are welcomed. Ash interments are also offered.
What is a green burial?
Green burials, also known as natural burials, are designed to have as little impact on the environment as possible. Burial grounds are managed in an ecologically sound manner, and coffins are made from biodegradable and sustainable materials such as softwood, wicker, cardboard and even wool.
Why choose a green burial?
People are becoming increasingly aware of and concerned about their impact on the environment. A green burial allows people to continue to care for the environment after their death. A natural burial returns a body to the earth in as natural a way as possible, and locations of burial sites can be much more pleasant than town cemeteries, being set among woodlands and wildflowers.
Members now get 5% off
Our partners at Muchwood Green Burials are now offering 5% off their three packages for green burial – a full plot, a half plot for ashes, or ash scattering – for members of the Wildlife Trust BCN. To take advantage of this offer, and to find out more about the terms and conditions, please contact Muchwood Green Burials to arrange a viewing. You will need to quote your Wildlife Trust membership number, which you can find on the envelope your members' magazine is sent in (to the top right of your name and address) or quoted in any recent e-news, if you're signed up to receive these. Alternatively, you can contact us to find it out.
Not a member? Join us today to take advantage of this, and many other, offers, as well as supporting the work of your local Wildlife Trust.

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Our partnership with Muchwood Green Burial Ground means that the site will never be used for any other purpose.
Follow Muchwood Green Burial Ground on Facebook, call 07715 479009 or email