Corporate News


Corporate staff working in a woodland, getting stuck into practical tasks wearing gardening gloves

What’s a Wild Work Day?

A Wildlife Trust BCN Wild Work Day is designed to give staff from companies across Beds, Cambs and Northants the chance to get outdoors and learn more about our local wildlife whilst being part of…

A Wild Day Out with Corporate Investor, CUPA

A Wild Day Out with Corporate Investor, CUPA

It was my first Wild Experience day since joining the Corporates team and what a scorching hot day it was in the wildflower meadows of our Trumpington Meadows nature reserve.

Nathan Long Corporate Partnerships Manager Shaking hands with IM Kelly staff

Things take a Tern for the better

Thanks to the generosity of corporate sponsor, IM Kelly Automotive, we’ve launched a new tern raft at our Pitsford Water nature reserve, Northants

Beefly on blossom

Reflections on Earth Day

Sue Barnard from our Corporate team considers how important nature is in this time of crisis - and how you can get your workplace involved, even if you're working from home.
