Glorious grasslands
A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.
A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.
With communities at its heart, the Bradgers Hill Wilder Futures Project aims to seek creative ways to engage diverse audiences and forge a new sense of place and belonging within the green spaces…
We may be a ‘wet’ nation, but wetlands – wildlife-rich, carbon-capturing oases – are in shorter supply than you might think. Wetlands have largely been removed from our landscape, and this loss is…
Ryan Clark tells us about two exciting projects that will use vast amounts of data to tell us more about how wildlife is faring in our area - a local State of Nature report and a database of all…
Ian Jelley, Director of Living Landscapes for Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, explains why helping nature recover is as essential for us as it is for wildlife.
Our CEO Brian Eversham breaks down the Wildlife Trusts latest national campaign and outlines what 30 by 30 means for us.
Brian Eversham, Chief Exec of the Wildlife Trust BCN, outlines our stance on the Ox-Cam Arc, and sets out the principles by which this, and any other development, should abide if we are to solve…
The features dug by the rotary ditcher in the Nene Valley last summer have been filling up with water and attracting wildlife. Helena gives us an update.
The Environment Agency are seeking your views on the challenges our waters face and the choices and changes we all need to make to help tackle those challenges. Our Water for Wildlife Officer…
It's been a busy time up in the North Chiltern hills with new fencing and conservation grazing.