Blog: Butterflies


Female purple hairstreak highlighted by sunlight, perched on a green leaf

Monitoring Purple Hairstreak at Strawberry Hill

This summer, the butterfly recording team at Strawberry Hill in Bedfordshire monitored the population of Purple Hairstreak using a new method. This method was introduced by the UK Butterfly…

Surveying banks during extreme heat days

Banking on Butterflies – one year on

Matt Hayes, PhD student and Wildlife Trust BCN Trustee, gives an update on how this innovative project has fared in the year following the banks being built.

Hamearis lucina - Duke of Burgundy butterfly by Eglė Vičiuvienė

Butterflies and climate conditions

Matt Hayes, research assistant at the Cambridge Museum of Zoology, has worked with the Zoology Department's Insect Ecology Research Group to conserve endangered butterflies. Maintaining…

Chequered skipper

Chequered Skipper Re-introduction

Jamie Wildman, PhD environmental science student, gives an update on the Chequered Skipper reintroduction project in the Rockingham Forest

Chalkhill Blue Butterfly

How hot is that butterfly?

Dr Andrew Bladon tells us about his innovative project to assess the impacts of climate change on butterfly species living on some of the Trusts most important reserves

Sam Buckton at Pegsdon

Meet the volunteer - Sam Buckton

Sam is a University of Cambridge Biodiversity Intern who has been volunteering with The Wildlife Trust BCN since June.

Omocestus viridulus, Common Green Grasshopper - Brian Eversham

Insects and hot summers

With Britain experiencing a sustained heatwave, our Chief Executive, Brian Eversham, looks at the effect warm summers have on Britain's insect populations.


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