Every Local Group provides an opportunity for Trust members to join together to discover, enjoy and protect wildlife through guided walks, illustrated talks and meetings. Many also provide practical help on nature reserves and raise significant funds for conservation work. Some spread the word about wildlife and the Trust in local parish magazines and newspapers, or at fetes and fundraising events. All of them encourage new people to support us.
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Bedford Local Group
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Brackley Local Group
For more information about the Local Group, please contact Tim Pridmore on 07927 017784 or email brackleywildlife@gmail.com.

Cambridge Local Group
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Desborough Local Group
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Ely Local Group
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Flit Vale Local Group
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Huntingdonshire Local Group
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March Local Group
Welcome all newcomers! We have work parties at Norwood Road Nature Reserve on the second Saturday of each month, starting at 10am. We are usually there for a couple of hours with a tea break halfway through.
Spencer Holland is our group leader and he has a wealth of information about wildlife. For more information about the March Local Group contact Mary Barrington at mary.barrington123@gmail.com or on 01354 657172.