Blog: Strawberry Hill


A view of a large pond at Strawberry hill, under the canopy of lush green leaves on large trees, one leaning over the water

Wild about Water: Strawberry Hill

Water is essential to all living things. The availability of water within an ecosystem can change the landscape dramatically, both within and between the seasons, impacting life up and down the…

Female purple hairstreak highlighted by sunlight, perched on a green leaf

Monitoring Purple Hairstreak at Strawberry Hill

This summer, the butterfly recording team at Strawberry Hill in Bedfordshire monitored the population of Purple Hairstreak using a new method. This method was introduced by the UK Butterfly…

Strawberry Hill

It Takes a Village: Two Years on at Strawberry Hill

It’s been a little over two years since we took on Strawberry Hill and with your help we have managed to successfully raise the funds to secure the whole site to protect the amazing wildlife for…

Common whitethroat

Breeding bird surveys at Strawberry Hill

Breeding bird surveys at Strawberry Hill have many challenges, as despite the huge amount of birdlife, you see hardly any of them. Our favourite exceptions to this are the male whitethroats which…

A family with a dog, on a walk through a grassy field

Rewilding the soul

I got my first mobile phone in the late 1990s, around the first time I went to Strawberry Hill. As a young adult I was drawn there again and again, but at the time I didn’t know why.

Brother John

At home on Strawberry Hill

Brother John Mayhead, from the Monastery of Christ our Saviour in Turvey, Bedfordshire, first got to know Strawberry Hill during the pandemic. In this guest blog he shares his memories and…

Strawberry Hill

Our first year at Strawberry Hill

It’s been just over a year since we took over Strawberry Hill, Beds, and we’ve not been idle. We’ve spent much of this first year focusing on surveying the site to learn more about the species…


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