Articles from Local Wildlife - our members' magazine


A green hedgerow wends its way between two closely cropped farm fields, one burnt orange and one a rusty red

Betting on hedges

Hedges are among our most familiar and varied countryside features. Some, but by no means all, are hugely valuable for wildlife.

Bradgers Hill Paul Hammond

Bradgers Hill and Beyond!

Wilder Futures has entered its final year and we are pleased to say that it will be a busy one! As awareness of our work in Luton grows, more partners have reached out to work with us and we are…

Redwing by Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Winter thrushes

With the exception of the ring ouzel, you can find all our thrushes in winter, and they are quite easy to identify. All are small to medium sized birds with an upright stance, often found feeding…

Infographic showing overlap of caterpillars and blue tit and great tit chicks over the decades

Running like clockwork?

Why can't we expect all wildlife to respond to our changing climate in the same way? As Mark Boyd explains, it may depend on how species tell the time.

Wasp head illustrations for identifying wasps

Lord of the Stings - Wasp ID Guide

Wasps play a vital part in many ecosystems, including our own gardens. Find out how to identify some, and why not to hate them!

An illustration showing development alongside a wide range of green space and wildlife

We're making plans for wildlife

Planning is something that we can all be involved with and wildlife can be taken into account at any stage. Let's consider six levels of planning for wildlife.

Halse Copse Meadow

Our 1,648 best kept secrets

We help to look after a staggering number of wildlife sites and one of these secret spaces is almost certainly near you
