Blog: Summer Leys



Habitat Management at Summer Leys: Pollarding

Nene Valley Reserves Officer, Laurence, explains the importance of managing trees to benefit wildlife and the process of pollarding at Summer Leys in Northamptonshire

Tree planting guards

Tree Planting in the Nene Wetlands and Summer Leys!

We've been busy planting trees in the Nene Wetlands and Summer Leys, to combat the effects of ash dieback and to aid the process of natural regeneration after tree removal. We're also…

Blue sky over lake and reeds in foreground

Summer Leys Updates: May 2024

Read all about everything that's been going on at Summer Leys over the past few months, including conservation work over the winter and visitor centre updates

Group of girls standing next to a lake

Launching Northants Nature Girls

Northants Nature Girls is a group designed for women who love nature and the outdoors to meet like minded people, whilst enjoying time in nature. Read all about the group from Communities and…

Nofence collar Summer Leys Tom Hedge

Nofence cattle collars

A new technology which creates virtual boundaries via cattle collars is being trialled across Beds, Cambs and Northants: our grazing teams tell the story so far

Wasp spider

Summer Leys Updates: September 2023

Communities and Education Officer, Megan, gives an update on recent wildlife, conservation work and the visitor centre at Summer Leys over the last few months


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