How do drone surveys work?
Josh Hellon (Monitoring & Research Manager) explains how a drone survey takes place
Josh Hellon (Monitoring & Research Manager) explains how a drone survey takes place
Drone technology gives you the chance to see our nature reserves from a whole new angle
Surveying from the air can help monitor species, identify habitat types and track the effect of our interventions – what could our new drone service at the record centre mean for Northamptonshire…
Use of a drone has enabled us to capture dramatic videos of our reserves
Sam is a University of Cambridge Biodiversity Intern who has been volunteering with The Wildlife Trust BCN since June.
Drones are an incredibly useful new tool in conservation. The Wildlife Trust BCN are investigating how we can use drones to help with our conservation and research work.
The heronry at Pitsford Reservoir was surveyed from the air to enable us to accurately count nests.
A look at how we are using new technology to help look after our reserves