Grassland Management for Biodiversity
An overview of grassland management in Northamptonshire by Pete Bray, Nene Wetlands Senior Ranger
An overview of grassland management in Northamptonshire by Pete Bray, Nene Wetlands Senior Ranger
An insight into activities over the spring and into the summer across Bedford Borough.
Forest School Competition Winners: I am delighted that Camestone Lower in Kempston are the winners of…
A summer meadow is a beautiful sight, but there’s so much more to it than gently waving grass heads and fabulous flowers.
Four moss species new to Pitsford have been identified
Agnes Becker, who is running a wildflower journalling workshop with the Trust in Bedfordshire, tells us what inspires her to journal and the benefits it may bring to us all
Thanks to the generosity of corporate sponsor, IM Kelly Automotive, we’ve launched a new tern raft at our Pitsford Water nature reserve, Northants
We’re delighted to welcome PA Consulting as Wildlife Trust BCN’s newest corporate members to join our network of local businesses taking action for nature.
Harry Hog has been out and about across our three counties, exploring and appreciating our wild spaces.
Andy Lear gives a detailed update on the mapping of Ancient Woodland
An overview of Wildlife Surveys in the Nene Wetlands and Summer Leys by Pete Bray, Nene Wetlands Senior Ranger