New Interpretation & Heritage Trail for Blows Downs

New Interpretation & Heritage Trail for Blows Downs

Blows Downs Nature Reserve has benefitted from a variety of new interpretation and infrastructure during the summer thanks to funding from National Highways and Natural England.
National Highways logo

The National Highways funding was given to help improve access to the site, enhance visitor experience and provide some educational opportunities for local schools.

When you visit Blows Downs now you can learn more about the ecology and heritage of this site thanks to some new information boards located at Jeans Way, Oakwood Avenue and Half Moon Lane entrances. 

We have also replaced the existing memorial post installed to remember John Rafters, who was very active in ensuring that a new major road was not built across this beautiful chalk grassland site back in the 1990’s, and therefore helping to ensure future generations can enjoy the fantastic views and wildlife that can be found here. Working with local artist Victoria Johns a new post and plaque has been installed that highlights the geology found at Blows Downs, in addition to locating all the other sites of grassland and natural beauty found in the North Chilterns area.

Our education team were able to offer two after school nature clubs at nearby St Mary’s primary school during Spring and Summer terms this year and they have asked us to return to continue this club during Spring and Summer of 2025. The other local school to Blows Downs, St Augustine’s Academy, was also able to benefit from this funding during Spring and Summer terms this year. Students received our Tiny Creatures of the Big Hills workshop, which helps link the biodiversity found at Blows Downs to the national curriculum with some interactive and fun activities, including a walk to the site to explore what flowers and butterflies could be found there. Staff also delivered a full day of inset training to all of St Augustine’s teachers about different ways to teach outdoors and help children enjoy the benefits of learning outside in nature. 

Staff member standing next to a new interpretation sign at Blows Downs Nature Reserve

We are grateful to National Highways for the funding which has enabled us to make such improvements and to reach so many school children, it has even helped us to install two new benches at the top of Blows Downs!

Earlier in 2025 we were approached by Natural England regarding some funding they had to design and install new interpretation related to heritage and Blows Downs was again the ideal location for this project. Working with another local artist and nearby school, Beech Hill Primary School, Natural England were able to share with us some children’s artwork and poetry related to the natural environment which we included in a new Heritage Trail for the site. In September five new posts were installed in various locations, easily accessible on the site, which have a sign including this artwork and a QR code that links you to the online trail. People can open the QR codes to access the trail online which is full of interesting information about Blows Downs history and ecology. Each page has some poetry included and a suggested activity for connecting with nature, and for anyone who completes the trail there is a certificate that you can download.

We hope you can take advantage of these new improvements and find the time to explore and enjoy this great site for natural beauty, heritage and wildlife!