News: Summer Leys

credit Sam Tucker


Across the lake - Nene Wetlands

Nene Valley habitat restoration

Further habitat restoration is scheduled at Nene Wetlands, Summer Leys and Titchmarsh nature reserves in Northants from next week into early autumn. The four year Network for Nature project is…

White stork Summer Leys Matt Hazleton

Special visitors at Summer Leys

Summer Leys nature reserve, a wonderful Northants wetlands, was a magnet for bird watchers recently with three rare sightings in the same week - all sparked off by a Kentish plover

A mockup of the proposed visitor centre at Summer Leys

New Summer Leys Visitor Centre

Being installed this week, the new Visitor Centre at Summer Leys will be opening with a launch weekend of events early April

Hawthorn Island, Summer Leys by Ben Newton

Habitat works planned at Summer Leys

Major habitat enhancement work will be taking place at Summer Leys nature reserve, Northamptonshire, thanks to funding from Natural England. As Summer Leys is an important designated site, all…

A mockup of the proposed visitor centre at Summer Leys

Exciting new plans for Summer Leys

We are exploring new ways to improve the experience for visitors and ensure a positive outcome for wildlife at one of our most popular nature reserves.


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