News: North Chilterns Chalk

credit Sam Tucker


Lysandra coridon - Chalkhill Blue by Eglė Vičiuvienė

Butterfly Banks springing to life

Eight experimental butterfly banks were built at Totternhoe and Pegsdon nature reserves in Bedfordshire almost two years ago; a recent vegetation and butterfly survey at Totternhoe shows how the…

Warden Hill Beds, Chris Lowe

Bedfordshire Chalkscapes

The Chilterns Conservation Board has received funding to design Chalkscapes, an exciting new landscape project inspiring a wide range of communities to take action for nature and wildlife, in…

Volunteers on a nature reserve

Cheering Volunteering

Essential pieces of kit from power tools to gloves have been purchased by our Bedfordshire reserves team thanks to a grant from Central Bedfordshire Council. These will be put to very good use by…


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