Waterlogged - the wettest winter on record
After a thoroughly sodden winter some of our nature reserves remain waterlogged in many places. It's hardly surprising - England has seen the highest level of rainfall over any 18 month…
credit Sam Tucker
After a thoroughly sodden winter some of our nature reserves remain waterlogged in many places. It's hardly surprising - England has seen the highest level of rainfall over any 18 month…
A large section of reedbed at Dogsthorpe Star Pit nature reserve, Peterborough, has been destroyed in a fire. As long spells of dry, very hot weather are increasingly regular events, all care and…
The UK Government is seriously threatening our wildlife - there's every urgency to defend nature as new policies threaten nature, climate and food security
Taking small actions can help animals and plants cope in hot weather
A new report Changing Nature by the Wildlife Trusts outlines radical steps required to help nature adapt to climate change
A Fens consortium, the Fens East Peat Partnership, will benefit from funding to further help vital restoration of peatlands
The announcement of a Heritage Horizon award by the National Lottery Heritage Fund means that the Great Fen can continue pioneering work of peatland preservation vital for combatting climate…
In a new report published today The Wildlife Trusts demonstrate how a variety of natural landscapes in the UK can store carbon, making the case for addressing the climate and nature emergencies…