Beaver enclosure constructed at Nene Wetlands ahead of species release
Work is underway to install an enclosure at the Nene Wetlands Nature Reserve in Northamptonshire ready for the return of beavers to the county.
credit Sam Tucker
Work is underway to install an enclosure at the Nene Wetlands Nature Reserve in Northamptonshire ready for the return of beavers to the county.
In advance of beavers being reintroduced at Nene Wetlands in the autumn, groundwork preparations are starting soon at Delta Pit clearing the circumference for the secure fencing which will be…
At Nene Wetlands nature reserve, Northants, infrastructure work - including the removal of some trees for health and safety reasons - will be taking place over the next couple of weeks, along with…
Our communities teams have been super busy across the region forging invaluable links with groups and businesses, with engagements via Forest Schools and community gardens – winning well-deserved…
We're looking to bring back beavers to Northants' Nene Valley next year: advance plans are now becoming reality!
Further habitat restoration is scheduled at Nene Wetlands, Summer Leys and Titchmarsh nature reserves in Northants from next week into early autumn. The four year Network for Nature project is…
We are excited to announce news of a planned reintroduction of beavers at the Nene Wetlands nature reserve, Northants, expected at some point during the winter of 2024/2025
Our annual AGM in October was well attended, with awards to volunteers handed out followed by walks in the Nene Valley
Hoping to inspire other businesses to follow suit, Northampton-based family company Fill Refill made a donation via environmental initiative 1% for the Planet
A report on our Into the Valley project in Northamptonshire's Nene Valley, made possible by generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, reflects the positive impacts of all that…