News: Nene Valley Living Landscape

credit Sam Tucker


Nene Wetlands WTBCN

Nene Wetlands habitat and infrastructure improvements

At Nene Wetlands nature reserve, Northants, infrastructure work - including the removal of some trees for health and safety reasons - will be taking place over the next couple of weeks, along with…

White stork Summer Leys Matt Hazleton

Special visitors at Summer Leys

Summer Leys nature reserve, a wonderful Northants wetlands, was a magnet for bird watchers recently with three rare sightings in the same week - all sparked off by a Kentish plover

AGM BE N Shelton

Annual AGM

Our annual AGM in October was well attended, with awards to volunteers handed out followed by walks in the Nene Valley

Rotary ditcher Nene Valley by Caroline Fitton

New habitat in the Nene Valley

The country's only rotary ditcher machine has been hard at work in the Nene Valley creating a swathe of ditches and channels - new habitats for breeding and overwintering wading birds

Nene valley illustration by Rachel Hudson

A new Nenescape

A new Landscape Partnership Scheme supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund will celebrate, protect and conserve the River Nene from Northampton to Peterborough


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