News: woodland management

credit Sam Tucker


Ride reprofiling Sian Williams

Reprofiling woodland rides

A recent trial looking to reprofile woodland rides is proving effective, helping water drain away rather than puddling the middle of paths

Waresley & Gransden Wood

Closure of Waresley & Gransden Woods

Due to seasonal maintenance and the removal of trees affected by ash dieback, Waresley & Gransden Woods will be closed from week commencing 21 August for 6-8 weeks; please note signage on site…

Evening sun through the trees at Waresley & Gransden Woods

Winter reserve restrictions

This coming winter and spring, restricted access at some nature reserves will be inevitable

Oaks Wood, Cambourne Brian Eversham

Making tracks in Cambourne

Path improvements and tree repair work at Cambourne nature reserve have been completed thanks to a grant from the Landfill Communities Fund


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