Dogs off leads harming protected wildlife sites, say conservationists
Dogs off leads at protected nature reserves are disturbing nests, scaring away wintering birds and hampering the efforts of conservationists.
credit Sam Tucker
Dogs off leads at protected nature reserves are disturbing nests, scaring away wintering birds and hampering the efforts of conservationists.
Encouraging all dog owners to understand the importance of keeping their pets on leads during visits to nature reserves and the wider countryside
We join with all Wildlife Trusts nationally asking dog owners to help keep wildlife and livestock safe this spring
Yesterday a dog attack saw one sheep killed and more badly injured and traumatised at Pegsdon Hills, Beds. This is the fourth attack at this nature reserve this year and serves as a vital warning…
On any walks with dogs at this time of year, leads are essential to prevent dogs harming ground-nesting birds. Please be an aware and responsible dog walker and help us keep wildlife safe!