Results from all of the breeding bird transect surveys have been processed and analysed up to the end of 2022. We are currently busy with 2023 data, updating reports, and digitising maps of territories for all of the years of surveys. We now have a big dataset covering many years, so the mapping in particular will take some time!
But in the meantime, we have started looking at a few overall trends. To start with, we have worked out the "top ten" most common breeding species. We did this by simply adding up the total number of territories we have mapped for each species across all of the reserves that have breeding bird transects.
The current number one species looking at all the years we have survey data for (2006-2022) is the wren!
Wren hasn't always held that top spot though. A quick comparison between 2012 and 2022 shows that in ten years, there have been a few changes.