How we would use your gift

Tansy Beetle - c. Brian Eversham
A gift in your will

How we would use your gift

Wildlife needs Willpower!

We greatly appreciate every gift we receive, and all go towards protecting wildlife in your local area.

Every single gift makes a difference, no matter how large or small, whether money or land. With the help of people like Jacquie, Marjorie, Jack, John and many others, the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire has looked after local wildlife and wild spaces for over 60 years. 

We are eternally grateful to those who have already given a gift and you can be sure that every penny will go towards ensuring a wilder future.

Your gift could...

A gift of £500 could... 

Buy equipment and resources for wildlife education. 

A gift of £1,000 could...

Enable volunteers to enhance habitats for threatened species.

A gift of £5,000 could...

Pay for access paths and boardwalks for all visitors.

A gift of £10,000 could...

Restore a wildflower meadow or ancient woodland.

Past gifts

Pegsdon Hills and Hoo Bit nature reserve

Pegsdon Hills and Hoo Bit nature reserve in late September 2019 - Robert Enderby

Jacquie Thompson

Pegsdon HillsBedfordshire, was one of Jacquie Thompson's favourite places. A successful painter and art designer, Jacquie worked on many Dorling Kindersley wildlife books. The outdoors was her passion and when she died, aged only 65, her husband Christopher felt it was important that her love for wildlife and its environment should live on.

Christopher says: 'This walk was loved by both of us. It's a Wildlife Trust nature reserve so it was wonderful to be able to support the Trust by giving something from her Will. Jacquie's particular love wasn't insects or birds but she was very keen on habitat, on the whole thing. What we both felt about the Wildlife Trust was that its emphasis isn't species specific but is rather geared towards the whole habitat.

Wareseley Wood


Waresley Wood by Sarah Niemann

Marjorie & Jack Browne

The ancient woodlands at Waresley and Gransden Woods have been part of the Cambridgeshire landscape for thousands of years. They were once part of a much larger woodland network which the Wildlife Trust is working to restore.

A gift in the Will of Marjorie Browne allowed us to purchase land adjoining the woods; an important step in this project. Browne's Piece is being replanted with local trees and spread with green hay from Waresley Woods to encourage wildflowers. With careful management, in just a few years, we have seen orchids and oxlips flowering where oilseed rape once grew. Over the next 200 years nature, with a helping hand from us, will gradually change the meadow back into woodland.

Dwarf mouse-ear, Cerastium pumilum by Tony Vials

Dwarf mouse-ear, Cerastium pumilum by Tony Vials

John Robinson

John was born and brought up in Northamptonshire and was a member of the Wildlife Trust for many years. His love of walking in natural countryside and his enjoyment of wildlife were encouraged by childhood holidays to the Lake District. John walked every day to work through his company's extensive reclaimed woodlands. His passion for the countryside and wildlife was apparent in his wonderful collection of photographs and slides, for which he won numerous prizes and accolades.

John left a generous gift to the Wildlife Trust in his Will, which was also a source of pleasure to David Ingyon, his only surviving relative, who said: 'I am so pleased that this money will make a significant contribution to the important work of the Wildlife Trust, particularly with the protection of rare and endangered species in Northamptonshire'.

Rare and endangered species in Northamptonshire include the Dwarf mouse-ear, dormice and the Chequered Skipper.

Our promise to you

We respect your privacy and any discussions you have with us will be in strict confidence.
We value all gifts in Wills and use these gifts to protect local wildlife.
We will not bombard you with communications.


Get in touch

It is your choice to let us know if you have included a gift to us in your Will. You are under no obligation and can always change your mind. If you would like to let us know so we can thank you, please get in touch using our contact form or on the details below. 

Contact us

For more detailed information or to discuss your gift in confidence, please contact our legacy team by telephone on 01954 713500 or email us at