30 Days Wild - Day One - Sensitive soles

Sophie Baker

Easing us in gently for Day One of 30 Days Wild...

And we're off! Day one of 30 Days Wild and here at the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire we're embracing the challenge with a blog by staff from all over our three counties. We can't wait to see what you all get up to, too, so do share on social media with #30DaysWild.

So, to kick us off, one of my favourite wild things to do is get the grass between my toes. The stubbly just-mown, the caught-in-your-toes overgrown, the mostly-moss, the damp roadside verge or even the well-kept meadow path - they all have their own intriguing foot-feel. And, somehow, the sensations give me a stronger physical connection to the wild world. More than just looking, or photographing or taking note. It's a grounding, a tickling, a way to engage the senses, and it's so easy! Grass is all around us, and your sensitive soles are the perfect tool for the job.

Day 01 icon for 30 Days Wild



Ways to go wild...

Get your shoes and socks off and feel the glorious grass between your toes!

Events during June for 30 Days Wild...

We've got loads going on all through June to help you go wild in our three counties. Visit our calendar for a full list of events.

A lady gardening in spotty wellies
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