Monitoring and Research

Hazel dormouse

Hazel dormouse - Terry Whittaker/2020VISION


Monitoring & Research

We monitor the health of nature

Our monitoring and research team provide the science behind our conservation work. Surveys enable us to monitor population trends and assess the success of our practical habitat management. This involves a huge variety of surveys for mammals, invertebrates, plants, reptiles, amphibians, and habitats.

We encourage surveys on our reserves and are keen to support any activities that add to our understanding of sites and species. Please get in touch if you are interested in surveying on our reserves. To find out more about wildlife monitoring and how you can get involved please scroll down this page to explore our work. 

Conservation Evidence Logo

Our Trust is accredited as a Conservation Evidence Champion. Our aim is for all our conservation work to be evidence led with habitat management decisions based on sound science. We run surveys to monitor population trends and assess the success of our practical habitat management, and work closely with universities and other organisations conducting research on our reserves. We recognise that we can achieve more for conservation by working co-operatively and by having a better understanding of each other’s work.

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