Cambridgeshire Chalk
Cambridgeshire Reserves Highlights
Members of the reserves team give an update on Cambridgeshire reserves
Cambridgeshire Reserves Highlights
Members of the reserves team give a update on Cambridgeshire reserves
A volunteer's eye view...
Regular North Chiltern's Chalk volunteer Barbara Ellis gives us her perspective of volunteering with the Wildlife Trust BCN
Cambridgeshire Reserves Highlights
Matt Hamilton, Senior Reserves Manager (Cambs) gives an update on Cambridgeshire reserves
Cambridgeshire Nature Reserves
School programmes in Cambridgeshire
Beyond Lockdown - A volunteer's perspective
Lockdown has had a big effect on all of us, not least our volunteers, many of whom had to stop work with us altogether at the height of the Covid-19 crisis. Great Fen volunteer Caroline Lewis…
Cambridgeshire pond restoration
Calling Cambridgeshire parish councils, farmers, smallholders, large garden owners and other landowners with any ponds in mind for restoration or for the creation of new wildlife ponds
Streamlining Cambridgeshire Pastures
Two Cambridgeshire pastures have been connected by the creation of a culvert, thanks to funding from the Augean Community Fund, which now allows livestock to pass between the two