Sand martin
The tiny, brown-and-white sand martin is a common summer visitor to the UK, nesting in colonies on rivers, lakes and flooded gravel pits. It returns to Africa in winter.
Development, planning and growth pressures on wildlife - where we stand
Brian Eversham, Chief Exec of the Wildlife Trust BCN, outlines our stance on the Ox-Cam Arc, and sets out the principles by which this, and any other development, should abide if we are to solve…
A spring awakening for wildlife on our reserves
Our Trust promoter Harry Hog is back out and about at some of our best reserves for spring. Find out what to look out for when you visit
Marine wildlife and me
Donal Griffin, marine conservation officer for The Wildlife Trusts, shares the experiences that inspired his love for the sea.
Where the WILD things are
A WILDside project update from the Northamptonshire Biodiversity Records Centre
Another way to see our reserves
Drone technology gives you the chance to see our nature reserves from a whole new angle
See our reserves from the air
Use of a drone has enabled us to capture dramatic videos of our reserves
Celebrating wetlands - where land meets water
We may be a ‘wet’ nation, but wetlands – wildlife-rich, carbon-capturing oases – are in shorter supply than you might think. Wetlands have largely been removed from our landscape, and this loss is…
People's Walk for Wildlife
A report from the People's Walk for Wildlife arranged by Chris Packham where 10,000 people marched on Westminster to demand a Wilder Britain.
Highways for Wildlife
Over the next four years three projects will benefit and improve habitats via a partnership with National Highways, helping to create, restore and connect places where the environment has been…