The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire (WTBCN)
UK Car Park Management Ltd (UK CPM Ltd)
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
We have introduced car parking charges for visitors to Summer Leys nature reserve, which apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The income generated will support our management of this beautiful site for wildlife and for people. Parking will be free for Members of The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire who register their Vehicle Registration Number*. Parking enforcement is operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Terms and Conditions:
WTBCN has appointed UK CPM Ltd to provide Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) car park charging services at the Trust owned Nature Reserve, Summer Leys, Northamptonshire.
UK CPM Ltd provides a land management service on behalf of WTBCN to enable us to maintain parking spaces for visitors to the site. This is done by providing enforcement on the private land, whereon users must follow the terms and conditions of the site, which are stipulated on signage displayed within the parking area.
These terms and conditions set out the relationship between WTBCN/UK CPM Ltd and visitors using the car park at which ANPR is in operation. When using the Summer Leys Nature Reserve car park you accept to be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated on the signage.
When using the parking services, you will need to familiarise yourself with these terms and conditions or any changes to the same. The terms and conditions are also available at the parking location but may be subject to change.
The services are supplied by UK CPM Ltd in agreement with WTBCN. Further information and FAQ’s can be located via
The overall control of parking operations and any enforcement is provided and managed by UK CPM Ltd.
The service supports cashless payments for visitors to Summer Leys Nature Reserve who are required to pay fees for parking.
UK CPM Ltd are officially used and authorised by WTBCN to collect payments.
WTBCN will provide UK CPM Ltd with vehicle registration numbers for WTBCN members who have registered for free parking at this site.
If you need to contact us for any reason, you may do so by emailing us at or
WTBCN Member Registration for free parking:
*To obtain free parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve, members must first register their Vehicle Registration Number through the online VRN form located on the WTBCN website and receive confirmation from WTBCN.
Only current WTBCN Individual, Joint or Family memberships qualify to register for free parking. Children’s Watch memberships are excluded. Members who cancel their membership with WTBCN will not qualify for free parking and will be required to pay to park at the site.
During registration you will be required to provide correct details including:
- Name
- Address
- Email address
- Contact Telephone number
- Membership Number
- Vehicle registration number (VRN)
These details will be used to verify your membership and authorise your free parking status.
Members can register a maximum of two VRN’s for free parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve.
Vehicles registered for free parking must be registered at the address of the member as shown on their membership record held at WTBCN
WTBCN will permit an update to VRN’s for free parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve a maximum of three times in any 12 month period. Members must complete the online VRN Form to update WTBCN with their new VRN
If your personal details change you will need to update your registered details or contact WTBCN immediately using email:
Members will be able to access free parking to Summer Leys Nature Reserve upon receipt of a confirmation email following their completion of the online VRN form which will be issued by WTBCN.
Members who have not registered their VRN’s must pay for parking until they have completed the online VRN form and received the confirmation email.
Member registration for free parking does not guarantee a parking space at any time at Summer Leys Nature Reserve. Parking spaces available are strictly 'subject to availability' only.
You are not permitted to assign or transfer free parking as a registered WTBCN member of the services to any other person.
In order to access free parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve members MUST register their Vehicle Registration Number in advance of visiting. New members must wait until they receive their welcome pack with their membership number before they can register for free parking and must pay for parking until registration has been confirmed. This can take up to 5 working days.
Members may de-register from free parking access to Summer Leys Nature Reserve by emailing or contacting the supporter team using Tel: 01954 713543 or by post to The Wildlife Trust, The Manor House, Broad Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6DH
Non-members parking conditions:
Non-members are bound by the charges for parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve as shown on our, on site at the pay and display machine and through additional site signage.
Current Tariff:
- £4 for up to 4 Hours
- £6 for all day
- Car park will be open from 5am to 11pm.
- Overnight parking is NOT permitted on site for members or non-members
Non-members must enter any requested details correctly when using the pay and display services, including your correct vehicle registration number, failure to do so may result in you being subject to being used with a parking charge notice should payment for the full duration of your stay not be made.
A parking booking is deemed to have been placed by a customer when such parking booking has been made:
- Using the pay and display machine on site
- Using the mobile phone app
How to use the P&D Machine:
Full instructions are located on the Pay and Display machine in the Summer Leys Nature Reserve car park.
Enforcement is managed directly through UK CPM Ltd:
Please see their FAQ's for assistance with queries.
Blue Badge holders:
When parking on private land, Blue Badge concessions will not apply.
Blue Badge holders are not exempt on any private land overseen by UK CPM Ltd.
You should always check the rules and regulations of the parking terms and conditions which are set out on all signage within parking areas.
Further information is provided on the FAQ in The Blue Badge scheme booklet.
Availability of Service:
UKCPM Ltd will use its reasonable endeavours to maintain the continuous operation of the Service, however it does not guarantee uninterrupted access to the Service, and you accept that access to the Service may be restricted for occasional repairs, routine maintenance or upgrades.
Situations may occur that are beyond UK CPM Ltd.’s reasonable control that can disrupt the provision of Services. UK CPM Ltd will recommence provision of Services as soon as the root cause has been resolved. There may be a delay before it can recommence Services.
Suspension or termination of Service:
WTBCN may suspend member usage where a registered user is in breach of the terms and conditions. Registered users will be notified either in writing by post or by email via WTBCN that free parking has been suspended. To re-enable an account you will be required to provide supporting information to satisfy WTBCN that the cause or reason for suspension has been fully resolved.
Receiving a Parking Charge Notice:
If you have received a Parking Charge Notice for unlawfully parking at Summer Leys Nature Reserve, please do not ignore it.
Parking charges for parking on private land are legal, and are legally enforceable.
Please read FAQs where you will find more information about the legal status of your charge.
If you feel that a charge has not been lawfully or properly issued, then you are entitled to appeal. Please first read FAQs for more information, and then go to Appeal A Parking Charge page.
UK CPM Ltd offer a discount to £60 instead of £100 penalty charge for prompt payment.
Making a Complaint:
If you feel that you have grounds for a complaint then you should contact UK Car Park Management.
You may need to provide the following information:
- Vehicle Registration Number
- Your full name & address
- The grounds for your complaint
UK CPM Ltd will take every complaint seriously, but you should note that this will not affect the validity of your parking charge nor the outcome of your appeal, if you have made one; Complaints and Appeals are separate processes.
You should expect to receive a reply within 28 working days upon receipt of your complaint. You will be informed of any delay if one should arise.
More information on our formal complaints procedure can be found on their complaints webpage.
How to Appeal:
If you wish to appeal your Parking Charge Notice, please note that we do not ever take nor discuss appeals by telephone. For legal reasons everything must be done in writing. We ask you to please appeal online.

1. If I am a member of The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire, how do I get free parking?
All adult members have been issued with a mailing to advise of our car park charging plan and how to register for free parking. Details on how to register can also be found on our website Information about the introduction of car park charging was also issued in the Winter 2021 edition of Local Wildlife.
Members must register their vehicle number using the online registration form here before they qualify for free parking.
Members must pay the car park charges until they have registered their vehicle details as per instructions
2. What is the charging period and how much do you pay?
The charging period is from 5am to 11pm every day.
Charging will be at £4 for 4 hours and a full day rate (5am to 11pm) at £6.
There is NO overnight parking and a parking charge notice will be issued to ALL who access the car park outside of the car park charging hours.
3 .What happens if I arrive before 5am and after 11pm?
Parking is only available on the site between the hours of 5am and 11pm.
There is NO parking outside of these hours and a parking charge notice will be issued to ALL who access the car park outside of the car park charging hours.
4. What if I am not one of those eligible for free parking and wish to visit the site?
You will need to pay for your parking in order to use the car park.
5. What if I don’t have the correct method of payment?
The pay-and-display machines in the car park will be cashless and payment using a card or phone app will be required. The pay and display machine is cashless to reduce the potential security risk of a remotely-located machine.
6. What if I fail to pay for parking?
You will be issued with a parking charge notice.
7. How will the car parking charging scheme be managed and monitored?
It will be managed and monitored by UK CPM Ltd using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).
8. Have you given consideration to displacement parking elsewhere?
Yes, we have sought guidance from police and local councils about our plans and they are aware of the potential risks of people parking dangerously on the road. They will be supporting communications to request that visitors park safely and will take enforcement action if required.
9. How do I pay?
The camera-controlled car parking system requires all visitors to enter their vehicle's registration number prior to paying. Visitors enter the car park and locate the pay and display machine. You will need to enter your vehicle registration number into the parking machine on entry and choose the amount of parking time required. There is also the option the pay via the Sippi app..
10. Do members pay for parking?
No, but members must register their vehicle number in advance before they qualify for free parking. Members must pay the car park charges until they have registered.
11. Do I have to pay if I am dropping or picking someone up?
Although not advertised on the signage we do allow a short period to cater for pickups & drop offs of 15 minutes (this can be subject to change).
12. Can I still park for free if I am a blue badge holder?
When parking on private land, Blue Badge concessions will not apply.
Blue Badge holders are not exempt on any private land overseen by UK CPM Ltd.
You should always check the rules and regulations of the parking terms and conditions which are set out on all signage within parking areas.
Further information is provided on the FAQ in The Blue Badge scheme booklet
13. I’m a blue badge holder and have received a ticket?
When parking on private land, Blue Badge concessions will not apply.
If you wish to appeal your Parking Charge Notice, please note that UK CPM Ltd never take or discuss appeals by telephone. For legal reasons everything must be done in writing. We ask you to please appeal online.
14. I have received a parking ticket but wish to appeal. What do I do?
On the Parking Charge Notice there are instructions on the rear on how to appeal directly to UK CPM Ltd. If you wish to appeal your Parking Charge Notice, please note that UK CPM Ltd never take or discuss appeals by telephone. For legal reasons everything must be done in writing. We ask you to please appeal online.
15. I recently joined online, how do I get free parking?
Complete the online VRN Form or contact or Tel: 01954 713500 to provide your details. Once registered you will receive a confirmation email. Registrations will be completed within 2 to 3 working days and you should continue to pay for parking until you have received confirmation that your registration has been successful.
16. What if the pay-and-display machine isn’t working?
There is a backup option to pay via the Sippi app; however, UKCPM Ltd have internal monitoring so if the machine and app are down, they would pause enforcement.
17. What personal details are held in the car park machine, and can I be identified?
No data is held within the machine. The information entered is sent directly to a secure database and once the parking time has expired and no PCN is to be issued the data is disposed of. UK CPM Ltd are accredited with ISO 27001 - ISO/IEC 27001. This is an international standard on how to manage information security.
18. If you initially choose the 4 hour option and pay for that but then are there longer because an amazing bird has turned up(!) – can you then pay for another 4 hours and will the machine recognise this even if it’s 2 payments?
You will be able to make a further payment when the duration of your stay has expired. This can be done through the payment machine and via the Sippi App.
19. Can I de-register my car?
Members may de-register from free parking access to Summer Leys Nature Reserve by emailing or contacting the supporter team using Tel: 01954 713543 or by post to The Wildlife Trust, The Manor House, Broad Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6DH