Great Fen Spring Crafts
About the event
Just us to make a variety of seasonal crafts for children. We'll be using natural and recycled materials to make fun and attractive eco-friendly decorations to adorn your homes and gardens this spring. Think flowers and eggs, butterflies and birds, bunnies and frogs. Celebrate spring life with colour and creativity.
Choose a morning or afternoon session. You may stay on site as long as you wish after the crafts are closed to continue exploring, den building and minibeast hunting. The main car park may need to be closed, but you can move vehicles outside the gate.
Some activities may be set up outside, weather permitting, so please come dressed appropriately for the weather.
Refreshments are available for a small donation. Why not bring a packed lunch so you can stay all day?
Places do need to be pre-booked.
A photographer may be present at the event and taking pictures for Wildlife Trust BCN use so please let us know if you'd rather not be included. Children will have an adult asked to complete a media consent form.
(Please note, images used may not represent exact crafts being completed on the day.)
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