Cambridge Local Group

Local Groups

Cambridge Local Group

As members of the Wildlife Trust BCN we want to inspire people about the natural world. To contribute to this at the Cambridge Local Group we organise talks and walks, usually on the last Monday of each month. The group covers the City of Cambridge and nearby villages but welcomes anyone interested to its events.  

Description of group activities

Our talks are held monthly from January to April and September to November. They start around 6:45pm and finish by 8pm. Invited speakers cover a wide range of natural history topics, illustrated with slides. Light refreshments (tea, coffee, fruit juice and biscuits) are served. They take place in the Large Seminar Room at the David Attenborough Building (CB2 3QZ) in central Cambridge. There's a small charge which covers expenses, with the surplus going to the Wildlife Trust to support their work, please see individual events for specific pricing.

Our walks in the summer are usually on local nature reserves. Regular events include enjoying chalk grassland flowers in East Pit or along the Roman Road, surveying for glow-worms in East Pit – one of their local strongholds – in July, and bat walks.

How to get involved

If you would like to be added to the email list and to get emails publicising Cambridge Local Group events, please contact us.

Group contact details


Phone: Ed Turner, 07738 243676


Upcoming events with Cambridge Local Group

Cambridge Nature Reserves