Announcing the 2024 Photography Competition winners!

Announcing the 2024 Photography Competition winners!

Blue Hour Barn Owl by Dave Wesson.
Flora & Fauna category winner, and the overall winner – Photography Competition 2024

Congratulations to all the winners of our 2024 Photography Competition

We are delighted to announce the winners of our 2024 Photography Competition.

The competition, sponsored for the first time this year by OM Digital Solutions in association with corporate members Campkins Cameras, attracted over 280 entries across three categories, a wide selection of high quality images taken all around our three counties by supporters of our Trust. The judges were pleased to have a wonderful set of images to choose from to create another fantastic calendar for next year. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter their photographs.

We are pleased to announce that the overall winner this year is Dave Wesson for his magical image 'Blue Hour Barn Owl' taken at Burwell Fen in Cambridgeshire at dusk, which won the Flora & Fauna category. He bags himself the fantastic top prize of an OM5 camera kit, generously donated by our competition sponsors OM Digital Solutions, in association with corporate members Campkins Cameras. "I’m delighted and humbled that my image was chosen as the winner in this year’s Wildlife Trust BCN calendar competition," says Dave. "Seeing the fantastic images from some brilliant photographers on previous calendars has been inspirational to me and driven me to improve my own photography, so a big thank you to all."

"Seeing the fantastic images from some brilliant photographers on previous calendars has been inspirational to me"

Describing the story behind his winning shot, Dave says: "It was one of those late winter afternoons that photographers dream about: cold without a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind. I’d travelled to Burwell Fen near Cambridge, my favourite winter location for short eared owls and even though the conditions were perfect, the ‘shorties’ were lying low and not showing themselves. As the sun began to set I surprisingly found myself to be the only photographer left! Just after the sun had dipped below the horizon I spotted a barn owl over the field to my right and it was flying towards me, I couldn’t believe my luck! I managed to take a burst of frames before it banked to its left and flew over the tall bushes and out of sight.

"I was so excited when I checked the images and the thing that immediately struck me wasn’t the owl itself, it was the amazing pastel coloured tones that you only get in the blue hour. The biggest lesson I learned from this encounter is don’t leave too early, especially when presented with those magical conditions for photography. You never know what opportunities await!"

The winner or the People and Nature category is Jana Barbosa with her intriguing photograph of a child holding a glass sphere, a lens ball, which shows the autumn leaves underfoot. Explaining the image, Jana says, "My family and I enjoy walks in our local nature reserves on weekends, with our favourite spots being Beechwoods, Cherry Hinton Chalk Pits, and Waresley & Gransden Woods. In November 2023, I brought my lens ball along for a walk with my little boy. He got excited when he spotted this 'new toy' and started to play with it immediately. I loved how he tried to hold this heavy lens ball in his little hands carefully and how the beautiful yellow leaves around us reflected in it." The photograph was taken in Cambridgeshire.

Dexter Ferguson has won the Youth category for his excellent picture taken of a tawny owl, taken in a cemetery in Bedford.


All the category winners each get £130 worth of equipment from competition supporters Opticron and - along with the photographers of a further 21 chosen images - their work featured in our 2025 calendar, which they will also get a copy of. The calendar will go on sale later this year.

Congratulations also to the following photographers, whose pictures have also been chosen to feature in our 2025 calendar: Jamie Clarkson, Matt Cottrell, Carl Everitt, Martin Faulkner, Hannah Hinton, Dave Jackson, Roy McDonald, Michael McIvor, William Parkinson, Kevin Pigney, Donna Samuels, Paul Saunders, Mark Tyrrell, Joao Yordanov Serralheiro, Neil St John and Jacob Stone.

The competition was judged anonymously by a team comprised of past winners and representatives from competition supporters Opticron and Campkins Cameras. We are very grateful for the support from competition sponsors OM Digital Solutions, in association with Campkins Cameras, and long-running supporters Opticron.

Congratulations again to all of the winners, and huge thanks to everyone who entered this year. 

The 2025 Photography Competition will open later this year.

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