Dormouse volunteers: Footprint surveys
Position details
Any DayFrequency:
FortnightlyDormice are one of our country’s most iconic species, but they are not just a cute critter. Dormice are an indicator of high quality, well managed woodlands and hedgerows. They require a good habitat structure and diversity of foodplants in order to thrive. The Rockingham Forest sits right at the edge of the dormouse’s current core range in the UK, making it important that we monitor what is happening to their local population. It also means the dormice we have are often at low population densities, making them both difficult to find and vulnerable to chance events.
We know a few woodlands with dormouse populations where box checks are being carried out (further details here), but we are interested to know if they are anywhere else within this area. As you cannot disturb a dormouse without a licence, we intend to use non-invasive footprint tunnels to see if they are present elsewhere. Dormice have a very distinct footprint compared to other small rodents. To survey in scrubby habitat, footprint tunnels are a very effective way to confirm they are present. The process is simple but fairly labour intensive. Tunnels need to be checked every fortnight for at least three months to apply fresh ink and replace any cards with footprints on.
We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in taking on this survey at a local woodland for 3-6 months over the season (May-October). Would either be able to commit to once a fortnight themselves or know others who could help them, e.g. a local club or wildlife group. All necessary equipment and guidance for setting up would be provided and we will be running a training day in late April/early May for anyone who is interested.
Please note you won't actually see a dormouse on these surveys, although you are likely to encounter lots of other local wildlife.
Experience required:
None! Previous experience of surveying dormice/small mammals/footprints is useful, but not essential for these surveys. All you need is the enthusiasm to go out regularly – even when dormice are proving elusive - and the drive to learn more about our wonderful local wildlife.
Commitment :
Once a fortnight for 3-6 months for at least one season (May-October). Surveys can be undertaken with a partner, local group or with other volunteers. You get to choose which day best suit you.
Equipment and training will be provided.
Contact details
For more information please contact