As Sir David Attenborough, president emeritus of The Wildlife Trusts, says we are part of and dependant on the natural world, and this includes businesses and organisations. In fact, our entire economy is reliant on nature for the resources it provides, including food, water, fibre, minerals, building materials, the carbon cycle and the air that we breathe. By asset stripping nature we are also removing our protection from climatic extremes, not to mention the damage being done to our own health and wellbeing.
Phew, that feels pretty overwhelming, and ‘green anxiety’ is certainly something that more and more of us are experiencing. There are very few individuals who can change the world but we can all live and work more sustainability as well as advocating for change.
As a Corporate Member of The Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs and Northants (WTBCN) you have already made a commitment to helping local wildlife, to giving your staff the opportunity to get closer to nature at our 100+ nature reserves across the three counties, and supporting these endeavours and projects to mitigate climate change.