Inspire future generations

Debbie at Paxton Pits

Credit: Debbie McKenzie

Inspire Future Generations

Imagine your business helping to create an amazing legacy for the future by sponsoring programmes that inspire and educate children so that they become our future ambassadors to help care for the planet.

Did you know that the number of children regularly playing in wild places has fallen from 40% to 10% in just one generation?

Exploring the great outdoors is incredibly worthwhile for all ages and studies show children are happier, healthier and more creative when connected to the natural world. Students gain knowledge and develop practical skills through programmes linked to the curriculum or make use of numerous enrichment opportunities at our education centres or in schools in the local community. 

Our sessions are planned with children in mind, involving a range of engaging, hands-on activities to suit all learning styles. Every session aims to encourage enquiry, creativity and teamwork as well as delivering subject-specific learning outcomes. We cater for all ages and abilities.

Environmental education is a priority for us, school children across Beds, Cambs and Northants attend our environmental education sessions every year. Schools are finding it harder to fund school outings especially with transport costs.

Your company could sponsor a whole term of school visits, or provide an education bursary scheme to help schools with coach travel costs. Why not sponsor one of our Little Bugs programmes aimed at giving preschool-aged children their first connection with nature, link to little bugs or one of our youth ranger programmes aimed at secondary school young people who are looking to gain new skills?

You may want to sponsor the running of an entire education centre.

Please complete our Sponsor a Project enquiry form to find out more, or get in touch by email at or call on 01954 713500.

Sponsor a Project Form