If you witness any anti social behaviour or damage being caused to the nature reserve please contact the Police and the Wildlife Trust.
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
summerAbout the reserve
This local nature reserve used to be a quarry for brick clay and 'borrow' material used to build the local railway. The abandoned pits filled with water, providing a haven for the wildlife that was forced into the area as the surrounding fenland was drained and ploughed.
Follow the boardwalk to explore the wetland, which is important for a variety of wildlife including water voles, water shrews and insects, especially dragonflies and damselflies, rare beetles and moths. Sedges, rushes and other wetland plants abound. The uncommon reed beetle can be found on the common reed.
Twayblade and bee orchid can be found on the drier grassland areas. Dense scrub also provides food and shelter for birds such as woodcock, sparrowhawk and tawny owl. Look for round holes in tree trunks and sawdust left by feeding goat moth caterpillars. You may even spot a common lizard.
Additional information
- Scroll down to see the reserve boundary. Please note the boundary map is for indication purposes only and does not show the Wildlife Trusts definitive land boundary.
FOR ANY MEDIA ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT OUR COMMUNICATIONS TEAM: communicationsteam@wildlifebcn.org or 01954 713500 and ask for comms team.