High Wood and Meadow

Woodland flowers in High Wood NR

High Wood - Robert Enderby

High Wood and Meadow

Enchanting ancient woodland and meadows featuring a variety of wildlife


5 miles from

OS Map Reference

SP 593 548
A static map of High Wood and Meadow

Know before you go

17 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Park at the end of Mantles Heath Wood

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Most woodland paths are even and firm. Meadow is uneven and with some areas burrowed by rabbits. Stiles and kissing gates feature

Park at the end of Mantles Heath Wood; Walk along the edge of the wood, turn right at first gateway and follow hedge downhill. Most woodland paths are even and firm. Meadow is uneven with rabbit burrows, Stiles and kissing gates. 


Unsuitable for wheelchairs


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit


About the reserve

High Wood is an enchanting ancient woodland full of wild cherry trees and a rich ground flora. It was coppiced in the traditional way through the centuries, meaning that shrubs and trees were regularly cut to ground level to give a reliable supply of wood for fuel and tools.

Coppicing lets sunlight into the wood, encouraging bluebells and other woodland flowers to flourish. The rare opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage is found in damper areas.

Much of the meadow is acidic grassland where herbs such as cat's-ear, tormentil, sheep's sorrel and heath bedstraw grow.    

Additional information

  • Scroll down to see the reserve boundary. Please note the boundary map is for indication purposes only and does not show the Wildlife Trusts definitive land boundary. 

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Contact us

Contact number: 01604 405285

Location map

Betony at Upwood Meadows June  - c. Robert Enderby

Betony at Upwood Meadows June  - c. Robert Enderby

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