30 Days Wild: baby and me

30 Days Wild: baby and me

Photo credit: Kate French

Kate and 10 week old Arthur share their 30 Days Wild 2021 adventures.

We are really excited that Kate is sharing Arthur's adventures with us. She spoke to some of our team at the Paxton Pits Education Centre and, together, they came up with a list of things to do with her two month old.   

30 Days Wild is open to all ages and everyone can benefit. Even if you haven't had a chance to join, you can still participate.  

Meet Kate, Michael and Arthur

Kate, Michael and baby Arthur

Credit: Kate French

Arthur is currently 10 weeks old and we are really keen as a family to participate in 30 Days Wild. Both myself and my husband love being outdoors especially walking and gardening. The Wildlife Trust has a special meaning to us as my husband Michael proposed at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, just by the centre!

It's really important for us to pass our love of wildlife onto Arthur and really feel it’s good for him to spend as much time outside as possible! It’s such an exciting adventure bringing Arthur into the world and we have this amazing opportunity to introduce him to nature and the great outdoors with some fun activities.

Arthur's adventures

Kate and Arthur day 1 breakfast outside

Credit: Kate French

Breakfast in the sunshine for Arthur and I.

Arthur enjoying being outside

Credit: Kate French

Arthur playing on his play mat in the shade on the grass. He was watching the sky lots and listening to the birds singing!

Yesterday we went for a walk early before the day got too hot. Arthur looked around at the start and then slept in the sling. The movement of walking with him always sends Arthur to sleep! The walk was lovely and shaded. We went through the field and on country lane paths. I saw butterflies and some red kites swooping in the sky.

Arthur enjoying the grass on his bare feet

Credit: Kate French

As it was such a warm day today we went out for an early morning walk with Arthur in the sling. When we got home Arthur enjoyed playing on the grass in the shade under our big parasol. I took off his socks and he was feeling the cool grass between his toes. He was also grabbing at it with his hands and pulling! 

Arthur enjoying the flowers

Credit: Kate French

As it was a bit wet and rainy today we brought the outside inside. I picked a few flowers and leaves and waved them in front of Arthur so he could follow them with his eyes, he then felt some of the plants with his hands. 

Arthur watching the trees

Credit: Kate French

Arthur laid under the trees in the garden and watched the shadows and shapes. He was very happy laying on a blanket in the shade! 

Arthur in his pram

Credit: Kate French

A walk along the Leighton buzzard canal in his Pram, there were a lot of different noises and things to watch. We saw ducks, a heron, butterflies, red kites and a squirrel! Arthur listened to the wooshing of the water when the locks opened for the boats to move through!  

Arthur and I enjoyed wandering around the garden together talking about all the flowers that are now coming out. The garden is full of amazing colours and wildlife. 

Arthur and the sunflower seeds

Credit: Kate French

Arthur helped Granny to plant some sunflower seeds in the garden! We will enjoy watching them grow together. 

Arthur watching mum planting in the garden

Credit: Kate French

We visited our local nursery where there are lots of tunnels full of plants. We then spent the afternoon planting up the hanging baskets and pots together in the shade. Arthur even had a little feel of the soil! The plants are lovely and bright so will add extra colour to our garden.

Baby Arthur with rose petals

Kate French

I collected up some rose petals from the garden and sprinkled them over Arthur’s feet. He enjoyed kicking them around whilst laying on a blanket in the shade.

Arthur enjoying the forest

Kate French

We visited Cannock Chase Forest for the day which is owned by Forestry England. We had a lovely day in the shade of the trees - it kept us nice and cool too!

Arthur on his playmat

Credit: Kate French

Playing in the shade on his playmat in our garden, listening to the birds and watching the shapes of the clouds today. There were also a number of butterflies by our strawberry plants that kept flying past!  

We visited Osterley Park which was beautiful. Arthur napped in his pram on our woodland walk and then enjoyed kicking on the grass. We visited the woodland area, formal gardens and main park. We also saw 2 herons and lots of red kites. 

Arthur under the oak tree

Credit: Kate French

Lying under a big oak tree, watching the shadows and keeping cool. 

We are lucky this week to be on holiday near the New Forest. We visited some water gardens and enjoyed all the summer colours and plants. Arthur napped under some trees and played on a blanket on the grass! 

We did an 8 mile walk around an old railway in the shade. The shadows that the trees and leaves made were fun to look at and Arthur enjoyed being in the sling. We stopped for lunch half way and Arthur laid on the grass to stretch out! Luckily we made it back to our lodge as the rain was just starting, thankfully we had our waterproofs! 

As it was such a wet day, we travelled home from our holiday in the new forest and then enjoyed an afternoon at home inside. I had collected some pine cones from the garden and Arthur held these in his hands and shook them around! 

Arthur Bell Rose

Credit: Kate French

When Arthur was born we planted this rose called the Arthur Bell Rose. All the sunshine and rain has helped it blossom and it has just bloomed! 

Caught in the rain on our walk! Arthur stayed very dry and was warm in his coat! 

Caught in the rain during a walk

Credit: Kate French

We visited Dunstable Downs and Whipsnade Tree Cathedral for a quick walk and got caught in the rain! 

Arthur and his grandma

Credit: Kate French

Visiting the horses with granny, the wind was blowing across the fields moving the grass and trees 

Arthur playing in the garden

Credit: Kate French

Playing in the garden under the magnolia tree, listening to the birds and watching the clouds pass by. 

Arthur having a nap outdoors in his pram

Credit: Kate French

A beautiful quiet walk around Marston Forest centre in Marston Mortaine. They have recordings of birds playing by the visitors centre and Arthur liked listening to these! We did a 6 mile walk around the forest and lakes which was lovely, Arthur enjoyed a long sleep!