"We hope this partnership will inspire more of our employees at our offices in Cambridge to connect and contribute towards preserving our local wildlife."

Our profit share partners donate a percentage of their profits to the Wildlife Trust BCN (some choose 1% for the Planet). Whether a global business or a family run independent this proportionate support shows the highest commitment to creating a healthier planet and protecting local wildlife. Please contact us on corporate@wildlifebcn.org to find out more.

- Alpro Soya (https://www.alpro.com/uk/)
- Cambridge Business Park (https://www.cambridgebusinesspark.co.uk/)
- Cambridge Water Company (http://www.cambridge-water.co.uk/)
- Caterpillar (https://www.caterpillar.com/en.html)
- Center Parcs Woburn Forest (http://www.centerparcs.co.uk/villages/woburn/)
- Cheveley Park (https://www.cheveleypark.co.uk/)
- Dawson Wam (https://dawsonwam.co.uk/)
- Dojima Sake Brewery (http://www.dojimabrewery.com/)
- Eastern Tree Surgery (http://easterntreesurgery.com/)
- Global Graphics Software (https://www.globalgraphics.com/)
- Granta Park (http://www.grantapark.co.uk/)
- HolidayCottages.co.uk (http://holidaycottages.co.uk)
- Hunts Wildlife Landscapes (http://thegreenvillage.co.uk/green-directory/hunts-wildlife-landscapes)
- Jesus College (https://www.jesus.cam.ac.uk/)
- Jordans Dorset Ryvita (https://jordansdorsetryvita.com/)
- Marshall of Cambridge (https://marshallgroup.co.uk/)
- Opticron (https://www.opticron.co.uk/)
- Richard Buxton Environmental & Public Law (http://www.richardbuxton.co.uk/)
- South Cambs District Council (http://www.scambs.gov.uk/)
- Spendlove Contracting (http://www.spendlovecontracting.co.uk/)
- Stowe Family Law (https://www.stowefamilylaw.co.uk/offices/cambridge/)
- Tarmac (http://www.tarmac.com/)
- University of Northampton (http://www.northampton.ac.uk/)
- Wellcome Genome Campus (http://www.wellcomegenomecampus.org/)
- Whittlebury Park (http://www.whittlebury.com/)
- Zeiss (https://www.zeiss.co.uk/consumer-products/nature-observation.html)